Sunday April 14, 3-5 p.m., and Wednesday April 17, 6 to 8 p.m. Orcas Grange

— from Aaimee Johnson for Actors Theater of Orcas Island —

We will be holding auditions for PlayFest 2019 on Sunday April 14 from 3-5 p.m., and Wednesday April 17 from 6 to 8 p.m.  Both auditions will be at The Grange. Feel free to RSVP to our Facebook event. Additional audition info below…

ALSO! We need directors!

We are also desperately seeking directors. We only have a couple directors committed so far, and we need seven. If you’d like to direct or know someone who would, please contact: 

Aaimee Johnson: aaimee.johnson@gmail.comor Evan Wagoner-Lynch:

Actors can read our lineup of plays at the Library–just ask at the front desk. Actors can be in more than one play.

Rehearsals will run for about five weeks, from roughly April 20–May 19. Performances will be May 23–25 and May 30–June 1, for a total of six nights.

We have two nights of auditions to accommodate people’s schedules–no need to attend both. If you can’t make either time please contact us and we’ll find another time to meet you.