Sunday, April 24 from 2 to 6 p.m. at the Orcas Senior Center

— from Dottie Cornelius —

Dottie Cornelius Race for the Cure

Dottie Cornelius with the Island Girls team at a Susan J. Komen 3-day event  to  benefit those dealing with breast cancer.

Come play BUNCO! an easy fast-paced dice game that will for sure create fun and laughter! And you’ll be supporting the Island Girls Team as they fundraise for the Susan J. Komen Race for the Cure.

No need to know how to play. We have experts to guide us through the rules. There will be soup, bread, beverages, and door prizes. Something for everyone who attends!
Cost: $25 per ticket
When: Sunday, April 24
Time: 2pm to 6pm
Where: Orcas Senior Center
Purchase tickets by calling Dottie Cornelius at 360-317-5821 or Bev Madan at 360-317-5156

Recruiting More Island Girls
Island Girls is looking for team members! For eight years the Island Girls, a team of walkers who raise money on behalf of Susan G. Komen, have walked hundreds of miles to raise awareness for breast cancer. Collectively we are steadfast in seeing the end of suffering caused breast cancer.

Each of us work to raise money not only for cures, but to ease the financial burden of those needing support. We share stories of victory and stories of loss. All of us, in our own way, are paying a tribute to a friend or family member who has touched our hearts. We are passionate about keeping a promise to do everything possible to end the suffering caused by breast cancer.

If you are interested in joining our team, please call me at 360-317-5821 or go to to register We would love to have you on our team!

The Susan G. Komen 3-Day Event
Picture waking up at 4 am, getting dressed, and hurrying to get to the hotel lobby where your team and a taxi is waiting outside to take you to the Seattle Center. When the taxi pulls up to the curb and you step out into the damp, cold, dark morning of late September, thoughts turn to a cup of hot coffee. Yes! A cup of steamy, frothy goodness nestled between your palms and warming them. That is what seems necessary to make the trek to the 3-day holding area a bit easier, so you make your way to the coffee booth. You might be asking yourself, “Why did I commit to this?” It feels like hard work merely to walk to the holding area, much less walk 60 miles over three days. What did I get myself into?”

Then Snap! You are surrounded by the 3-Day ‘Bubble’. For three days, barriers that might keep humans divided have vanished. It is a place where everyone is a friend and willing to help, a microcosm of society where kindness and acceptance is normal. Fun and laughter have permeated the air, masking the seriousness of the event’s purpose. The positive energy is indescribable. These participants are strong, and it is obvious from the onset this is a community fighting fiercely to fulfill a promise to one day see a world devoid of breast cancer. For these three days, the world seems as it could be– kind, positive, full of energy, and people working together making a difference.

SNAP! Now back to the real world. Its always a bit of an adjustment after the event. Back home, life is as you left it prior to the 3-day. The 3-Day is an intense three days of healing, support and kindness that cannot help but leave an impact on your life.

Every walker raises a minimum of $2,300. While some people think this to might be a very high standard, the truth is, we want to raise money. It is a challenge, but we know we can be proud of raising the money and feel confident it is being spent wisely. Without donations, the progress being made toward treatments and financial help for those underserved would be impossible. Yes, the Komen 3-Day is an extraordinary event, and it is a privilege to be a participant, but it would not be in existence without an equally extraordinary need to find treatments. One out of eight American women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. As a representation of this statistic, the Island Girls team carries a banner every year over the finish line that has over 40 names of Orcas Island women and men who have had breast cancer. The good news is that most of the names are survivors, but the ones with ribbons beside their name lost their fight. Those that have passed represent how much more work is left to do. There is a need for gentler treatments and new treatments for those with more aggressive cancers.

Please follow the Island Girls in this exciting year for Komen and for cancer research by making a donation on our behalf to Susan G. Komen. If you are inclined to donate, please do so at either of the links below. If this request does not fit within your donation plan, please know we understand support comes to us in many more ways than with money. We feel confident that we have your backing in more ways than in dollars. If you would like to join our team, please email me at

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