Owen Kotler, clarinetist, with his Guest Chef Volunteer Team at the 2009 Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival

From the Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival Office

If you’re new to the island or have wondered about how to participate in the Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival, there are many ways to get involved in this popular event.  The Festival attracts world-class musicians, island as well as off-island patrons, and volunteers who make sure their summer plans include the concert weeks.

The 2010 Season will feature 11 concerts plus Music Lovers’ Seminars, pre and post concert talks, Nightcap Receptions and a number of special events all happening between August 12 – 28.  A Season Brochure mailing will be sent to patrons nationwide and all island addresses in May announcing the concert repertoire and visiting artists’ performance dates.  Or go to www.oicmf.org to view the Season Program.

OICMF has a caring community of volunteers who have a great time making sure the Festival is the best it can be.  Volunteers have the opportunity to usher, hostess, sell merchandise, serve beverages, arrange flowers, set tables, move furniture, park cars, assist the Box Office, help with mailings, and more.  The artists are treated to delicious lunches and dinners, and volunteers enjoy both preparing the meals and talking with the musicians.

In addition, there are Orcas Islanders who volunteer as Home Hosts, and provide housing for the artists in their home or guest houses.  This is another great way to get to know the internationally acclaimed musicians who make their way to Orcas Island.

Call to Action: If you’d like to get involved in the Chamber Music Festival this year, contact Joyce Stone at the Festival Office at 376-6636.  She’ll be happy to meet with you and discuss what role you might like to play.

**If it wouldn’t cause you financial distress to take out a modestly-priced, voluntary subscription (HERE), you’d be doing a real service. If it would, then no worries, we’re happy to share with you.**