— by Susan McBain, Orcas Issues Reporter —

Teams from the Friends of the Olga Store Building (FOSB) and the Orcas Food Co-op got together for a public presentation on Friday, September 6 at the Olga Community Center. Both groups had good news to share.

FOSB reported that the U.S. Post Office has formally accepted the Olga Store, rather than a modular building, as its chosen location for the post office. As the “anchor tenant,” the post office is expected to provide about $21,600 of the Store’s projected annual revenue of approximately $41,000. (The Store’s formal business plan is available here.)

FOSB’s Colleen Stewart also reported that FOSB has met its first fundraising goal of $20,000 to make its formal offer for the Store, expected this week. The Store’s purchase price is $650,000. FOSB has received a commitment for a $200,000 low-interest loan, and another commitment for a $200,000 matching grant that will match all donations up to that amount. Thus, to complete the purchase, FOSB must raise $250,000.

In another bit of good news, Colleen reported that the County Land Bank is considering including the Store in its historic easement program, which could provide grants of up to $195,000. The Land Bank’s review process takes a year, so a bridge loan would be needed for expenses beyond current fundraising. FOSB has scaled back its remodeling plans to lower projected remodeling costs to $200,000. (A feasibility report discussing the building’s current condition and remodel requirements is available here.)

To cheers and applause, the Orcas Food Co-op team reported the good news that their board had voted unanimously to explore the option of creating a small store and café in the Olga Store building. (A tentative layout for the Co-op Café and a floor plan for the whole building can be viewed here.) In fact, said Co-op General Manager Lerner Limbach, “Every year people said to me, have you thought about doing something at the Olga Store? And I couldn’t even think about it, I was so busy. But this may be the moment; it feels like the right time and the stars are aligning.”

The rest of the meeting was turned over to those in attendance, who wrote down their individual answers to three questions posed by the Co-op: What products and services would you like to see in a proposed Co-op space? What social or community aspects are you excited about? And, what are your concerns? A sample of answers: milk, eggs, bread, butter, coffee, produce, baked goods, ICE CREAM; seeing neighbors, avoiding trips into town, enjoying community ownership of a community resource; and parking, hours, seating, possible boat traffic, and possible higher prices than in Eastsound.

FOSB stressed again the need for community involvement, help, and funding. To request updates from FOSB, send an email to friends@theolgastore.org. Renters are especially encouraged to get in touch, since they may not be reachable by mail.

Until FOSB receives its official tax-deductible status, donations can be made to Island Stewards (note FOSB on the check), P.O. Box 21, Olga 98279. Donations of $250 or more will automatically receive a receipt, but donors can request a receipt for a gift of any amount.

Pledges made to an earlier group, Save Our Post Office, could not be transferred to FOSB, so will need to be made again directly to FOSB. A pledge form is available here, to be mailed to the same address.