Wireless/Broadband and CAO /Wetlands Ordinance on the agenda

The March 16 Planning Commission meeting scheduled for the San Juan Island Grange has been moved to the County Council Hearing Room in the Legislative Building at 55 Second Street, Friday Harbor.

The meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. with Administrative Items:
 Update from Chair, Brian Ehrmantraut
 Update from Planning, Shireene Hale
 Update from Eastsound Planning Review Committee – Colin Maycock
 Update from Housing Bank Commission – Colin Maycock
 Update on SMP – Colin Maycock
 Approval of Minutes – February 17, 2012, February 27, 2012, and March 6, 2012

Following the updates, there will be a continued hearing for deliberations only on Wireless/Emergency Service/ Broadband Ordinance Amendments; and a continued hearing and deliberations on an Ordinance Regarding Regulations for Wetland Critical Areas; Amending Section 18.10.040, Chapter 18.20, and Sections 18.30.150 and 18.60.170 of the San Juan County Code and Repealing Appendices A-C of SJCC 18.30.150

The meeting will break for lunch at noon, and meet again at 1 p.m.