Friday, August 17, 8:30 a.m. at County Council Hearing Room, Legislative Building, 55 Second Street, Friday Harbor

From Colin Maycock, County Senior Planner

The Planning Commission is having a workshop to discuss the preliminary amendments to the following sections of the current Shoreline Master Program regulations:

1. General Regulations
2. Environmental Protection
3. Signs
4. Commercial Development
5. Transportation Facilities
6. Parking
7. Industrial Development
8. Institutional Development
9. Utilities
10. Public Access
11. Recreation

The purpose of the workshop is to provide the Planning Commission an opportunity to discuss the proposed amendments. There will be no public comment at this workshop although all are welcome to attend.

All of the listed sections above are in the current SMP, the proposed amendments would change some, such as including parking in the Transportation section rather than having parking regulations in a separate section and the Transportation section as they are now.


Adjournment will take place when agenda items have been
completed or continued.

The agenda can be found here:

The preliminary amendments can be found here:

The staff report can be found here:

After the Planning Commission has reviewed the proposed changes and made suggestions, there will be a series of public meetings to encourage public comment on the proposed amendments.