Jon Kimura Parker to play Mussorgsky's "Pictures at an Exhibition" and Prokofiev's Sonata No. 3 "From Old Notebooks" on Dec. 29

From the Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival

It’s a holiday memory you’ll cherish.  Mark your calendars for Thursday, December 29th at 7:00 pm.  Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival will present a very special Salon Concert at Orcas Center’s OffCenter stage featuring pianist Jon Kimura Parker.  “Jackie” Parker is an internationally acclaimed pianist and Artistic Advisor of the Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival.  A committed educator, Jackie is Professor of Piano at the Shepherd School of Music at Rice University in Houston.

Jackie will perform Pictures at an Exhibition, Modest Mussorgsky’s most famous piano composition.  The music depicts an imaginary tour of an art collection.  In 1874, Mussorgsky composed this work based on 10 drawings and watercolors produced by his friend, architect and artist Viktor Hartmann.  Pictures at an Exhibition is well known through various orchestrations and arrangements produced by other musicians and composers, with Ravel’s arrangement being the most recorded and performed.

In addition, Jackie will perform Sergei Prokofiev’s Piano Sonata No. 3 “From Old Notebooks.”

Following the concert, guests will enjoy a nightcap reception, with Thurston Wolfe Festival wines and festive hors d’oeuvres. Tickets are available now.  Call the OICMF office 360-376-6636.  Tickets are $75.     Proceeds benefit Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival programming and music education.  For more information, visit