The recall process has been started. Petitions requesting a Member meeting were submitted to Eastsound Water Users Association (EWUA). According to the bylaws, EWUA must send within 35 days (after July 22 and before August 26, 2024), a notice to all Members designating the date and location of the special Member meeting. The meeting must be held by September 30, 2024.

The purpose of the Member meeting will be for the Members to determine if Jim Nelson, Teri Nigretto, Mike Cleveland, and Leith Templin should be retained or recalled as Directors of EWUA.

We do not know when or where the meeting will be. We encourage Members to attend the meeting in person but to sign the proxy form used by RecallWater in case the meeting is set for a time you cannot be there.

The directors subject to the recall attempt should not be the individuals counting the votes. A mutually-agreeable independent neutral election inspector should be named to conduct the recall process. To date, those targeted for recall have refused to allow this to happen.

If you want to see the details as to why the Members are being asked to recall several directors, please visit the RecallWater.com site.


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