by Lin McNulty

Pete Moe has been doing double duty at the Funhouse Commons, as well as Orcas Recycling Services.

Pete Moe has been doing double duty at the Funhouse Commons, as well as Orcas Recycling Services.

Pete Moe, Executive Director of the Funhouse Commons, announced last night that he will be stepping down from his current position after seven years to become the new Director of Orcas Recycling Services. An opening  became available when former ORS Executive Director, Mark DeTray, resigned last month due to health reasons.

Since DeTray’s departure, Moe has been filling both jobs on practically a full-time basis.

When the current ORS Board members encouraged Moe to become full-time Executive Director, he made the decision.

“I’m excited,” he says, “about ORS taking over the transfer station, about the new Exchange, and new ways of looking at handling our waste stream on Orcas.”

He thinks this is also a good move for the Funhouse Commons to bring in new blood with fresh ideas.

Moe will be transitioning from the Funhouse to ORS over the next few weeks, with a target date of September 1 to fully begin his new duties.