UPDATE: 10:30 a.m., July 6: Air quality upgraded to “moderate.”

UPDATE: 8 p.m., July 5: Air quality downgraded to “unhealthy.”

— by Lin McNulty —

IMG_2335Can you see beyond your nose, or is everything socked in around you? As 66 fires blaze in nearby British Columbia, Whatcom County battles a fire on Portage Island and other areas across their county, and fires spread in Wenatchee and Grant County across the mountains, it might seem all that smoke has found its way to the San Juans, creating an eery pocket of unsettling hush in the area. And not a leaf is moving anywhere on the trees.

Department of Ecology monitors in Bellingham, Mount Vernon, and Surrey B.C. register the air quality as “unhealthy for sensitive groups.” UPDATE: 8 p.m.: Air quality downgraded to “unhealthy.” According to EPA guidelines this means:

Everyone should limit time spent outdoors. Everyone should avoid exercising outdoors (including sports teams) and choose non-strenuous indoor activities. People with asthma, respiratory infection, diabetes, lung or heart disease, or have had a stroke should stay indoors. Infants, children, pregnant women and adults over age 65 should also stay indoors.

From Eastsound, within the last half hour, I can no longer see Blakely Island and Mount Woolard is slowly but surely fading away into the haze. The top of Buck Mountain is still there, but I can’t be sure for how long.

Orcas Fire and Rescue reports they have received over a dozen calls today reporting smoke in the area, but thankfully it’s not coming from a local source. So far, they have not had to respond to anyone with respiratory difficulties. As the sky becomes more and more smoky, and with no wind to get this stagnant air moving, this situation may not change. Forecasters are saying this could last another three-four days.

Unless you see an actual defined column of smoke, it is probably safe to assume it’s not our smoke. “Stay indoors,” says Orcas Fire Chief Mik Preysz.

When asked if it would help if we all turned our fans on facing in the same direction, Preysz stated he didn’t think there are enough fans on the island to make a difference.