Measles Precautions in Place at Peace Island Medical Center Masks Required for Those with Symptoms

—  from Amy Cloud —

In an effort to protect vulnerable patients from measles, anyone seeking care who has symptoms of the disease must wear a mask before entering PeaceHealth Peace Island Medical Center.

Measles is highly contagious and is transmissible through respiratory droplets and it remains in the air for up to two hours after a contagious person has been in that setting. Ninety percent of those who are susceptible, i.e. do not have vaccinations or a history of measles, and who are exposed, will become ill.

Those entering Peace Island Medical Center clinic must be healthy, without a fever, cough, runny nose or rash. Anyone with those symptoms who is seeking treatment should first call the Community Health Nurse (CHN) at the San Juan County Health Department at 378-4474. The CHN will provide instruction, including whether to schedule an appointment with your health care provider or if lab work is indicated. When patients schedule an appointment at Peace Island Medical Center, they will receive instructions about required masking and where to enter the facility.

Those with measles symptoms (such as fever, cough, runny nose, a rash) who are seeking to visit a patient will not be allowed to stay.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, children who get measles may also get an ear infection or even pneumonia. About one or two out of 1,000 children who get measles die. Measles kills an estimated 164,000 people each year around the world and can make a pregnant woman have a miscarriage, give birth prematurely, or have a child with birth defects.

For more information, please visit the County’s Health and Community Services website or Washington Department of Health.