— from the International Order of Odd Fellows Mt. Constitution Lodge #88, Orcas Island

When the Odd Fellows came and sang to him, it was the most precious of precious gifts.  John Sumrall, on the guitar, is Joe's best friend. Photo: Courtesy of Elaine Goodrich

When the Oddfellows came and sang to him, it was the most precious of precious gifts. John Sumrall, on the guitar, is Joe’s best friend. Photo: Courtesy of Elaine Goodrich

Back in 1988, there were only five active members of Mt. Constitution Lodge. Knowing that the lodge could close down, as had hundreds of lodges throughout the country, the members reached out to Joe Goodrich, a long time Orcas Island resident, and asked if he knew of any gentlemen who would like to join the order. In fact, Joe did have a men’s group that was forming, and did show interest in the ideals of Friendship, Love, and Truth, as well as Elevating the Character of Humankind. Soon enough, dozens of men were initiated, and the tradition of Odd Fellowship continued on the island.

Joe Goodrich embodied the virtues of Odd Fellowship. He had an inspiring level of generosity, the practice of cultivating and deepening connections among the brothers, creativity expressed with kindness, the amazing ability to ever more deeply appreciate and enjoy life, and the ability to have deeply held beliefs, but realize and live the fact that there are much deeper ties than thought and beliefs that hold us together.

Joe worked with endless energy at our work parties that benefit the community. He inspired us with his dignity, integrity, humor, wisdom, and his ability to love his brothers deeply. This dignified man had a sensitive way in which he led our circle, He spoke of “softening the need to be right, speaking from our listening place, and loosening the reins of judgment.” We was a true gentle man. A good man.

Joe passed away peacefully on June 11, 2014. The brothers were there for Joe throughout his process of passing. We came together and learned about transcending our fears to be of service to him as he was to us. We supported his family and cared for Joe so that he could pass from this life peacefully at home in his bed.

Brothers created his casket, as he wanted it to be, a colorful barge that included the three circles of F, L, & T. He was buried with a beautiful paddle made by a brother. The graveside ceremony was truly inspiring and worthy of this honorable Odd Fellow brother.

It is in large part because of Joe Goodrich that the Odd Fellows on Orcas Island exist and that we are able to be of service to the community and for each other. We will take a piece of who Joe was and continue to share the virtues of Friendship, Love, and Truth, while doing our share to continue his legacy of Elevating the Character of Humankind.