— from Jesse Douglas-Seitz, Project Engineer —

Clearing and grubbing is substantially complete. A tub grinder was on site this week and processed all of the stumps and debris piles into wood chips.

Construction Activities
The contractor will be stripping and stockpiling topsoil and beginning roadway excavation next week. After excavatable material has been removed from areas on site, the contractor will begin rock breaking.

Drivers are cautioned to reduce speeds within the work zone. Parking restrictions are in effect along Orcas Road at the WSF Access Road intersection to allow for construction activities and necessary safety. Ongoing utility relocation for this project will be active along Orcas Hill Road. Traffic Control will only be present as needed. Crews will be working Monday through Friday from approximately 7 a.m. – 6 p.m.

The project includes the construction of a terraced car park and ride, approximately 650 feet of a new county road, electrical and lighting systems, guardrail, parking barriers, rock retaining walls, clearing, grading, rock excavation, and other work.

For more information about this project visit our website.