What About the Funhouse?

– from Marcia West, Director, Orcas Island Park and Recreation District –

Park & Rec LogoSome collaborations need special mention and must stand apart from the crowd. The work of the Funhouse staff in supporting Park and Recreation programs is one of those relationships.

The Funhouse Commons has been working hand in hand with Orcas Island Park and Recreation District since the beginning of our planning and programing. The unexpected and unanticipated loss of nearly 1/3 of OIPRD funding through property reassessment on Orcas has made collaboration with the Funhouse even more appropriate. We would not have been able to complete our mission without the contracted support of the Funhouse staff and their contribution of both time and knowledge.

Programing for our two organizations has been coordinated throughout the year, extending the capacity of both organizations to serve the community. Both organizations have looked for ways to reduce costs through shared advertising of events. We have consolidated information to make planning children’s recreation easier by combining our mailings and website postings. The skilled leadership of Krista Bouchey and Pete Moe has made a major impact in the successful first year of Park and Rec operation and we are looking forward to the continued evolution of youth activities though our collaborative efforts. Thank you Funhouse and invaluable Funhouse supporters.

Bob Eagan, Vicki Vandermay, Ian Lister, Martha Farish, and Jim Bredouw — Park and Recreation Commissioners