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Orcasional Musings | It’s The Berries! Can They Think?

By |2020-12-06T12:44:40-08:00August 17th, 2019|Categories: Column, Community, Island History, News, Orcasional Musings|

||| ORCASIONAL MUSINGS BY STEVE HENIGSON ||| Sometimes I think that berry bushes are smarter than we are. The various wild Orcasian berries have discovered ways to coexist with very little conflict, while we humans are still fighting it out among ourselves. The main purpose of life, as best as I can understand it, is

Guest Opinion: Patriot Games Come to Orcas; Buyer Beware!

By |2018-11-10T15:44:46-08:00November 9th, 2018|Categories: Community, Government/Politics, News, Opinion|

-- by Joseph Murphy -- My first thought upon reading the Orcas Issues article detailing the lavish all-day celebration of veterans on November 13 [at the public school district] was: “Does this mean that on the next commemorative national holiday honored by our publicly-funded school district – that would be the Martin Luther King Jr

Hedrick Smith: Gerrymandering Affects YOU!

By |2018-08-24T15:08:30-07:00August 23rd, 2018|Categories: Community, Community Event, Government/Politics, News, Sustainability|

Tuesday, August 28 at 5 p.m. at Emmanuel Parish Hall -- by Margie Doyle -- Citizen rebellion at the grassroots (from Veteran journalist Hedrick Smith will discuss "Taking Back Our Democracy; The People vs. the Politicians" and offer concrete examples and encouragement for fixing the polarization and bottlenecks in government next Tuesday

Flotsam and Jetsam: Immigration is Natural

By |2018-07-15T12:23:24-07:00July 15th, 2018|Categories: Arts & Entertainment, Community, Environment, News, Opinion, Sustainability|

-- a semi-regular humor column by Maurice Austin -- Island Tourist Elk, photo courtesy of Walt Corbin Yet again Orcas Island is beset with immigrants that despoil the natural vegetation, leave stool everywhere, and have little regard for local traffic laws. No, I’m not referring to 4th of July revelers, or recent island

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Former Mayoral Candidate Has a New Agenda

By |2020-11-09T15:23:25-08:00May 20th, 2018|Categories: Community, Community Event, News|

-- by Lin McNulty, Managing Editor -- Hi, I'm Toby and I'm looking for other Bernese Mountain Dogs to march alongside me in the Pet Parade. Last year, Toby, an attractive Bernese Mountain Dog was a candidate for Orcas Mayor, campaigning as “Another chance to vote for Bernie." He lost. Rescued by Linda Bannerman and Brad

Don’t Miss Annual Master Gardeners Spring Plant Sale

By |2017-04-14T15:52:28-07:00April 29th, 2017|Categories: Gardening/Agriculture, News|

Saturday, May 13, 9 a.m., Mullis Center -- from Mo Sloane -- Hundreds of organic vegetable starts and perennials, all lovingly grown and nurtured by San Juan County Master Gardeners, will be on sale at the Mullis Center, Saturday May 13 at 9 a.m. – just in time for Mother’s Day. The Master Gardeners choose

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