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Unique coating transforms ANY surface into a light-responsive pathway (maybe even Prune Alley?)

By |2021-06-07T18:09:34-07:00June 7th, 2021|Categories: Environment, News, Sustainability|

||| FROM DAILY MAIL ||| A unique paint-like coating has been developed that could revolutionise street lighting across the globe.  UK-based company Nevana Designs has developed a light-responsive formula called STARPATH that makes ordinary pathways glow in the dark by absorbing UV rays during the day.  The coating, which can be applied to any solid surface including tarmac and

Public Works pushes pause on Prune Alley project

By |2021-05-05T14:47:23-07:00May 5th, 2021|Categories: Community, Government/Politics, News|

||| FROM SAN JUAN COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS ||| Public Works looks to push pause on construction and delay construction-related community impacts until Spring of 2022. Plans for a single continuous construction effort remain unchanged from Main Street through North Beach Road. Staff will utilize this time to continue improving efforts that minimize impacts and costs

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Update from Public Works on Prune Alley street improvements

By |2021-03-13T11:41:15-08:00March 15th, 2021|Categories: Government/Politics, News|

||| FROM JESSE DOUGLAS SEITZ for SAN JUAN COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS ||| Construction Start Date T.B.D. Spring 2021 OPALCO Joint Utility Relocation Efforts The project includes pedestrian and accessibility improvements, transportation infrastructure, storm drain infrastructure, water quality improvements, landscaping, lighting, and consideration for other streetscape amenities. Project Plans have been finalized by the

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Prune Alley construction: What to expect

By |2021-02-02T17:08:33-08:00February 3rd, 2021|Categories: Environment, Government/Politics, News|

||| FROM JESSE DOUGLAS SEITZ, PROJECT MANAGER ||| What to expect during construction: Traffic control, including lane and entire block closures, detours, flaggers and limited access. The road will be pulverized with heavy machinery in multiple phases. Trenching to remove and replace the entire stormwater conveyance system including manholes, catch basins and stormwater treatment facilities.

Prune Alley improvements project to soon begin construction

By |2021-01-26T11:19:19-08:00January 26th, 2021|Categories: Government/Politics, News|

||| FROM SAN JUAN COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS ||| The rumors are true, the Prune Alley Street Improvements project is planned for construction this year! But not just one block, the entire project, from Main Street through the School and North Beach Road intersection! County Council met on Tuesday 01/12/2021 and made the recommendation for Public

Back in the news | Prune Alley road plan hits a snag

By |2020-10-15T13:30:43-07:00October 14th, 2020|Categories: Government/Politics, News|

||| BY MATTHEW GILBERT, theORCASONIAN REPORTER ||| Toward the end of a presentation on approving the county’s Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) at Tuesday’s weekly County Council meeting, County Manager Mike Thomas addressed new developments affecting the plan to redevelop Prune Alley. It has to do with the main sewer line that runs the length of

Guest Opinion | These five trees will be cut down during Prune Alley Phase One improvement project

By |2020-09-23T21:32:40-07:00September 24th, 2020|Categories: Community, Environment, News|

||| FROM FRED KLEIN ||| Among the first consequences of the implementation of Phase One of the present plan for the improvements on Prune Alley will be the cutting down of the five trees which are located between the two entry ways to Island Market. These five trees will be cut down during Phase

Letter to Editor | Prune Alley and our upcoming election

By |2020-09-23T12:06:56-07:00September 21st, 2020|Categories: Letters, News, Opinion|

||| FROM MARC COHEN ||| Rick Hughes has a conflict of interest problem with regard to the proposed "Prune Alley improvements." It literally jumps off the pages of The Orcasonian. When Fred Klein attributed the elaborate street intersections to our "high priced Seattle consultants" (Orcasonian, 8/1/20), Rick set the record straight: those intersections were his

Council takes another look at Prune Alley redevelopment

By |2020-09-25T14:05:56-07:00September 17th, 2020|Categories: Community, Government/Politics, News|

||| BY MINOR LILE & MATTHEW GILBERT, ORCASONIAN REPORTERS ||| Prompted by an open letter from former EPRC member and local architect Fred Klein, the County Council raised some last-minute questions regarding Prune Alley’s extensive redevelopment plan at its September 15 meeting. Klein’s eleventh-hour letter contends that the finalized plan does not sufficiently reflect the

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