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Sun Days on Orcas | 27 things about Sharon Abreu

By |2022-09-04T21:37:10-07:00September 4th, 2022|Categories: Column, Community, News, Opinion, Sun Days on Orcas|

||| SUN DAYS ON ORCAS by EDEE KULPER ||| Sharon Abreu Meet Sharon Abreu and you'll immediately feel how positive, talented, and humble she is. She is always upbeat, and when she is discouraged by the state of the world, she uses the performing arts to kindly, respectfully, and creatively confront environmental and

Sun Days on Orcas | Good Morning: Teezer’s Episode 1 by Frank Loudin

By |2022-07-11T12:13:24-07:00July 17th, 2022|Categories: Column, Community, News, Opinion, Sun Days on Orcas|

||| SUN DAYS ON ORCAS BY EDEE KULPER ||| Happy 92nd Birthday to my friend Frank Loudin, a wonderful painter and writer – our own Norman Rockwell. In honor of him celebrating his first several days into his 93rd year, I am honored to publish his first of ten episodes about Orcas Island’s beloved coffee

Sun Days on Orcas | Kate Jewell’s experience in Poland

By |2022-06-27T14:16:36-07:00June 26th, 2022|Categories: Column, News, Opinion, Sun Days on Orcas|

||| SUN DAYS ON ORCAS by EDEE KULPER ||| In March, I interviewed Kate Jewell about her upcoming trip to help Ukrainian refugees in Poland ( She has returned, and I asked if she would write about her experiences in her own words: My reason for going to Poland was to work with Ukrainians displaced by

Sun Days on Orcas | 180

By |2022-05-22T11:41:54-07:00May 22nd, 2022|Categories: Column, News, Opinion, Sun Days on Orcas|

||| SUN DAYS ON ORCAS BY EDEE KULPER ||| I’ve heard it takes about 30 days to establish a new habit, so I Googled it and the first line that came up said this: “It can take anywhere from 18 to 254 days for a person to form a new habit and an average of 66 days

Sun Days on Orcas | Kate Jewell is headed to Poland

By |2022-03-26T19:05:57-07:00March 27th, 2022|Categories: Community, News|

||| SUN DAYS ON ORCAS by EDEE KULPER ||| This Thursday, March 31, Kate Jewell will be headed to Oświęcim, Poland, for six weeks to help Ukrainian refugees and orphans with One Humanity Institute and Airline Ambassadors International. Kate Jewell Kate was a flight attendant for 37 years, so traveling the world and

Sun Days on Orcas | What you should know about Orcasonian Beverly Franklet

By |2022-03-06T13:37:48-08:00March 6th, 2022|Categories: Column, News, Opinion, Sun Days on Orcas|

||| SUN DAYS ON ORCAS by EDEE KULPER ||| If you haven’t already met her, Beverly Franklet is a stunning go-getter. Not in a hyper, can’t-sit-still kind of way but in a calm, adventurous, live-life-to-its-fullest sense. Do you remember several years ago when Michell Marshall decided to put up a white board at the back

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