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Food Bank Bits and Bites…

By |2019-03-12T15:03:46-07:00March 13th, 2019|Categories: Community Event, News|

-- from Madie Murray for Orcas Food Bank -- The Orcas Island Food Bank loves sharing its news and people with our wonderful community! Here’s what’s been happening lately… Featured Food Bank Personality! We thought it would be fun to periodically tell you a little about some of the amazing volunteers that keep us going.

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Letter to Editor | Affordable Housing – From A Senior Point of View

By |2018-10-03T15:54:20-07:00October 10th, 2018|Categories: Letters, News|

-- from Madie Murray -- Being a proud Senior myself and one who is faced with the very real possibility that my current home may not be where I can stay ‘til my end of days, I worry. Why? Because there will come a time when I can no longer climb stairs, my liquid assets

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Letter to the Editor: Our Vote for Art Lange

By |2018-03-29T09:22:40-07:00March 29th, 2018|Categories: Business, Government/Politics, Health, Letters, News, Opinion, Sustainability|

--by Rollie Sauer and Madie Murray -- Madie and I have known Art Lange for more than ten years and found him to be fair, considerate of others, generous, very intelligent, and an excellent fisherman.  I know this personally as Art and I have shared five years together on the Orcas Medical Foundation Board, we’ve

Letter to the Editor: Clarification of After-hours Care

By |2018-02-20T11:17:15-08:00February 20th, 2018|Categories: Business, Community, Health, Letters, News, Sustainability|

-- by Tom Eversole -- Madie Murray’s January 26 letter brings a human perspective to cases for and against the proposed hospital district. Thank you, Madie! The 55+ aged people, who “put a burden on the island” are also great contributors to our community in time, treasure and talent. They have contributed to their own medical

Guest Column: Watch Out for The Walker

By |2017-12-30T15:04:21-08:00December 28th, 2017|Categories: Community, News|

-- from Madie Murray -- There’s a lovely gentleman who walks to and from town along Olga Road and Crescent Beach probably daily. He’s dressed to the nines, sometimes in a kilt, sporting a cane and a wonderful hat. I don’t know who he is, but I’m sure many of you do. He’s a delight

It’s A Tie!

By |2017-03-18T17:28:05-07:00March 18th, 2017|Categories: News|

-- from Madie Murray -- Which one do you like best? The Orcas Island Food Bank Board is stumped! Between the six options available the first time, these two logos tied for first, so everyone gets another chance! We're sure you have an opinion, so just click on the following link and let your

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Editorial: Giving Thanks When Others Are Hurting

By |2020-11-09T15:25:35-08:00November 24th, 2016|Categories: Editorial, Government/Politics, News, Opinion|

-- by Margie Doyle -- Living and working on Orcas Island, I'm thankful: for Arts for Orcas Kids (A-OK) and the Music Advocacy Group, who work throughout the year to provide music and art experiences and learning to all our schoolchildren as part of the public school curriculum; for those caretakers, whose difficult and compassionate

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