Lum Farm lambs (Photo by Jenn Staplin)

It is the season of renewal.  Baby lambs are prancing in the fields, daffodils are opening up in the rain, and the trees are starting to bud out.  I suspect that you, like me, are ready to start branching out as well. It has been a long two years of sheltering and distancing.  

On Orcas, we have witnessed our local nonprofits stepping up during this time to provide housing, food, physical and mental health, arts, education, music, recreation, and other essential support that helped this community through very challenging times. It has been a remarkable effort that was championed by Boards of willing volunteers who ensured their organizations had the resources to meet our ever-changing needs.  

Many of those Boards are now in search of new members. If you have ever considered Board service, now is a great time to engage and connect. To help facilitate, OICF is hosting an Introduction to Board Service on April 12th at noon via Zoom.  This program will provide an overview of roles and responsibilities, recommendations on finding a good match, and keys to making your service successful. Contact Ed to register or for more information.

For those of you who are already serving — THANK YOU!  If you are interested in deepening your skills, Washington Nonprofits is hosting a three-part Board Service refresher: Boards in Gear, Finance Unlocked for Nonprofits, and Let’s Go Legal, starting on April 19th. The sessions run one a month and are free (thanks to the WA Secretary of State).  You can register here.  (if the timing does not work, you can also sign up for recordings).

Please let us know if you plan on attending, as OICF will be hosting a couple gatherings to further discuss content and implications for local participants.  We’d love to have you attend!

Wishing you a lovely weekend.