At the County Council meeting on Tuesday, July 24, the Council postponed a decision on awarding a contract for operating the Orcas Island Transfer Station.

Proposals by Cimarron Enterprises and the Orcas Recycling Services/Exchange were submitted to a selection committee on July 13.  The proposals were rated at 70% and 69% respectively. The two entities made presentations to the selection committee on July 17 and 18; on July 20 the selection committee recommended that the contract be awarded to Cimarron. Areas of strengths and weaknesses of both parties were cited in the report.

After many spoke out during the public comment session of yesterday’s council meeting in favor of delaying the decision, scheduled for yesterday afternoon, the Council noted that the proposals were “a snapshot in time” and that circumstances, including capital revenue, had changed since the proposals were submitted. Public support for a delay in the decision-making process was also noted. Following their discussion, council members agreed to unanimously to delay a decision by the council until both Cimarron and ORS/Exchange could address questions by the Council.

The questions are to be submitted by this Friday to the Vendor Selection Committee, who will then refine and advance the questions to both Cimarron and ORS/Exchange.

The ORS/Exchange non-profit organization will hold a public forum on Friday, July 27 at 5:30 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall.