— by Margie Doyle —

Pete Moe, left, and Tim Blanchard, right, discuss the latest stage of fundraising for The Exchange

Orcas Recycling Services/The Exchange (ORS) is oh-so-close to its fund-raising goal for the New Exchange — just $5,000 short of their $245,000 goal.

At a fundraising event on May 21, Tim Blanchard, ORS Board President and Pete Moe, ORS Executive Director, announced that the campaign has entered its final stages, needing $18,000 to reach the final goal.

They also announced that a local donor had challenged them with a $10,000 bonus should they reach their goal by May 31. In the days following the event ORS/The Exchange has received $13,000, and now needs just $5,000 more to reach that target.

The New Exchange is rising now at the Orcas Waste Transfer site. San Juan Council Chair and Orcas Island resident Rick Hughes said that the county has been able to renegotiate the 2013 contract with ORS based upon the success of ORS operation of the Waste Transfer Site, where the New Exchange building is being constructed.

Blanchard thanked the County for “giving us a chance” when they leased the Orcas Waste Transfer site to ORS in 2013.

As the building goes up, ORS management is expecting a “tsunami” of goods to arrive at the site. To address the influx, they are raffling off chances to bring stuff in to the New Exchange before the official opening of the recycling facility. Raffle tickets costing $5 are for a private intake session at the New Exchange—before the flood. A $20 ticket gets you a 1 in 20 chance to win free pick up at your home or storage unit.

Or, officially stated: “$5 Tickets can win one of 20 slots to bring in materials to the Exchange before opening to the public. Chance of winning: 20 out of max 600 (1 in 15 chance). “$20 Tickets can win one of five home pickups of your material by ORS/Exchange staff. Chances of winning 5 out of max of 100 (1 in 20 chance). Drawing for the winning tickets will be held later this summer at the Orcas Farmers Market, Eastsound.”

Tickets are available at the Exchange booth at the Farmers Market through June 3.

Once the New Exchange is up and operating, work will continue. ORS plans to move ahead with construction of a bailing facility that will allow for separation of recyclables. They are also exploring systems for composting.

In addition, ORS staff are currently training off-island in household hazardous waste handling, so that the Orcas site could soon be open once a month for collection of hazardous waste–which previously has been an annual event only.

Those wishing to contribute to Rebuild the Exchange can make a one-time or monthly donation through the website, www.exchangeonorcas.org/donate or by calling 360-376-4089.

Remember, there’s only 6 days left to meet the fundraising deadline! Act now!