Lincoln County residents voted Tuesday to phase out vacation rentals in the coastal county’s unincorporated residential areas.

Voters approved Measure 21-203 by a wide margin in preliminary results, with 58% voting yes. The hot-button issue drew 44% voter turnout in the county, one of the highest turnout rates in the state for the off-year election.


The measure, an initiative petition brought to the ballot by a coalition of neighborhood groups, would phase out short-term rentals in residential areas of unincorporated Lincoln County over five years and halt immediately the issue of new licenses. Vacation rental rules within the boundaries of Newport, Lincoln City and other incorporated cities would not be affected.

Boosted by online booking platforms and turnkey property managers, the proliferation of vacation rentals on the coast has resulted in complaints from neighbors about trash, noise, illegal parking and other nuisances. But the conversion of rental homes to vacation rentals has also made the community less affordable for its permanent residents, proponents of the measure said.

Opponents say that’s not the fault of vacation rentals, citing industry studies, and say vacation rentals are a boon to the local economies overall.

READ FULL ARTICLE: www.oregonlive.com/business/2021/11/oregon-coasts-lincoln-county-votes-to-restrict-vacation-rentals.html

ALSO SEE: https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=5012&Initiative=false&Year=2021

SB 5012 – 2021-22
Providing a local government option for the funding of essential affordable housing programs.