Margot Shaw at West Sound Hall, raising funds with Fidelis Circle for college scholarships

The Fidelis Circle, the West Sound Women’s group,  held a “beyond expectations” flea market on Saturday, February 13, at the West Sound Community Hall.

Vendors at 12  rented tables, sold doodads and treasures, while the kitchen prepared panini and soup. Baked goods were also for sale, including a table of pies, and cookies to benefit [intlink id=”father-son-diepenbrocks-to-help-in-haiti” type=”post”]Rosedanie Cadet\’s efforts in Haiti.[/intlink]

Margot Shaw, event organizer, said that Orcas Islanders filled the hall all day, and before the doors were opened, the line stretched out to the road.

The monies raised go toward graduation awards for high school seniors who live in the general West Sound area.  This is the fourth year the scholarship awards will be given.