From the Booster Club 

The Orcas School Booster Club has “stepped into the batters’ box” to support all athletic programs at our school.  We are committed to the success of our students through participation in a strong, scholastic, athletic program.

The Boosters would like to publicly thank the Orcas Island Community Foundation (OICF) for operational support and the Orcas Island Education Foundation (OIEF) for the generous “matching challenge grant” of $5,000 toward the high school winter sports programs.  The OIEF is challenging others from our community to match their donation.  The grant will be fully funded when equally matched.

The Booster Club seeks community partners in working to solve the current funding challenges faced by our school district.  Precipitated by statewide cuts in funding and the global economic downturn, the Orcas Island School District’s 2011-2012 budget, created this summer, did not allow for winter and spring sports.  In addition, it budgeted for the library to close, and some other mid-year staffing reductions.

Booster Club Goals

  • Raise $11,000 by January 1st, 2012 to fund winter sports programs and raise an additional $63,000 by fall of 2012 to ensure all sports will be fully funded programs outside the budgeting process of the OISD.
  • Work with the Orcas Island School District, Orcas Island Park and Recreation and the community to create sustainable funding for scholastic athletics.

Where We Are Today

  • The Boosters have received $3,000 in donations.  With the OIEF matching grant of $5000, we are $3,000 short of reaching our goal of $11,000 for Winter Sports.
  • The Boosters continue to fundraise an additional $63,000 to fund school athletics through fall of 2012 while seeking a sustainable solution to athletic program funding.

We Need Your Help

  • Become involved with the Booster Club and help us work to maintain strong athletic programs at our school.
  • Tax/CPA assistance is needed as we establish our organization.
  • Donate to the Orcas Island Community Foundation “Booster Fund” by check at P.O. Box 1496, Eastsound, WA 98245 or online at (Please specify “Booster Fund”).

For questions regarding donations or involvement with Boosters in any way, contact the following members:

Candace Bodenhamer              (360) 376-2665

Vicki Vandermay            (360) 376-5068

Dianna Hofmann            (360) 376-7585

Kevin O’Brien                 (206) 200-1086

Cathy Ferran                  (360) 376-1510

“I ran and ran and ran every day, and I acquired this sense of determination, this sense of spirit that I would never, never give up, no matter what else happened.”

~Wilma Rudolph, Olympic Gold Medalist