As long-time residents of Orcas Island who care deeply about both our environment and our community, we are so pleased that Ryan Palmateer is running for San Juan County Council! Ryan’s values of sustainability align with our values. Ryan’s expertise in renewable energy and energy efficiency -through his work with the San Juan Islands Conservation District- gives him insight into decisions that will move our county towards a zero-carbon future. He understands the energy efficiency investments that will give the best return on our taxpayer dollars. Energy efficiency upgrades are paying for their costs in shorter times than ever. And the savings for taxpayers will continue to accrue after the initial investments are paid off.

Ryan’s support of sustainable local agriculture will help protect our food supply, improve our soil, and bank carbon that would otherwise be released into our atmosphere.

Ryan values affordable housing and helped the REET tax to be adopted. He also values government transparency. He clearly articulates issues and welcomes inclusive dialogue. He is a co-founder of the San Juan Islands Community Network, https://www.sjicn.org/about-us which “hopes to help build a future in the San Juans that isn’t merely sustainable, but regenerative and resilient, where all island residents—human and non-human—have the opportunity to thrive.”

Please join us in voting for Ryan Palmateer for San Juan County Council in the November 2020 election. To learn more about Ryan, go to his website.

  • * Janet Alderton
  • Mary Gropp
  • Sarah Ross
  • Winnie Adams
  • Sandi Friel
  • Ellen Winter
  • Sue Bauer
  • Norris Carlson