— from Kristin Kolb —

Numerous Orcas Island women and children are amassing in Washington, D.C., Seattle, Friday Harbor, and Eastsound, for the Women’s March on Washington this coming Saturday, January 21, the day after President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration.

The D.C. protest, which originally was called the Million Women’s March, is an opportunity to connect with those who are disturbed with the election results, and according to organizers, is open to all: male, female, transgender, as well as those who have been targeted by Trump’s rhetoric, including women, immigrants, and Arab-Americans, among others. All are welcome at the marches, which will convene across the country. It will be in homage to the demonstrations of the Civil Rights Movement, silent, hand in hand, strong and proud.

One fun aspect of the march is the knitting of “pussy hats,” pink stocking caps with kitty ears, for women to wear across this country. Mine is being shipped from Buffalo, New York, by an old friend from college. A group also met here on Orcas to knit for the community of women and children who are attending the events.

Some Orcas Island women spoke about their reasons for marching:

  • Marguerite Greening is traveling to Seattle as part of the Women of San Juan County group that formed to take local action and improve our community after the election results. They will be part of the roll call at the beginning of the Seattle march, and ask all from San Juan County to join them. They have made a banner, “With Liberty and Justice for All” to represent our islands.
  • Anji Ringzin is also going to Seattle. She says, “I’m marching as an expression of my disappointment at the defeat of Democrat Hillary Clinton, the first female presidential nominee of a major party, and want to make a statement of dismay. My sign will say ‘Invalid Election.’
    “Some of us will be meeting at the University Street station in Seattle on Saturday morning at 9 A.M. and taking light rail to the event start place. We have exchanged cell phone numbers in the hope that we will be able to find the other members of our group that are going. Hoping the march will not be scary, especially because we’ll have children with us, and that it sends a strong message that we are alarmed with the election result.”
  • Cindy McGrady says, “I am marching in Seattle with my son and college age granddaughter and grandson. I believe that all we hold dear in our country is under threat including freedom of speech, a free press, the environment, reproductive rights and democracy. As citizens it is our responsibility to stand up for future generations.”

As for me, I am traveling to Seattle to join with other women who feel pain and worry about the results of the election. The repeal of Obamacare, for one, will be felt deeply throughout our community. Trump offers a terrible example to mothers who are raising children, especially, teens.

If you are interested in joining the events in the region, here are the details:

  • Seattle: A large contingent of Orcas islanders are taking the 3:40 ferry on Friday and carpooling to Seattle. Meet at the docks. Or meet at University Street Station in downtown Seattle to traverse to Judkins Park, the starting place for the march, in South Seattle, at 9 A.M. on Saturday. The closest light rail stop is Mount Baker.
  • Friday Harbor: Events begin at noon. Gather at the courthouse lawn.
  • Eastsound: Emmanuel Episcopal Church at 12:15. The plan is to walk the labyrinth.