Rosedanie Cadet, Steve and Taylor Diepenbrock work on the Limbé Project in Haiti

Rosedanie Cadet’s philanthropic project for the people of Haiti, [intlink id=”7166″ type=”post”]Helping Hands Noramise[/intlink], is having an informational gathering on Wednesday, April 14, at the Benson Hall Emmanuel Episcopal Church from 6 to 8 p.m.

Volunteers [intlink id=”7382″ type=”post”]Steve and Taylor Diepenbrock [/intlink]have recently returned from working in Haiti, and Taylor will present a slide show of his photography there, as part of his Orcas High School senior project.

Also scheduled is work from a  Portland videographer, and Rosedanie Cadet will join the Diepenbrocks in a question and answer session, and letting people know how they can be a part of this project, a sustainable food plant to process and transport Haitian fruits and vegetables.

Although the April 14 event is not a fund-raiser, Steve Diepenbrock says donations to the project will be most welcome.  “The Haitian people are so appreciative of the efforts to help,” he says.

Rosedanie adds, “I look forward to seeing you there!”

For more information, go to

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