Also appearing at the Library Fair

Antoinette Botsford (known to many on Orcas as “Storybird”) will be telling stories in the Eastsound Park on August 14, 7:00, immediately following the “Music in the Park” performance.

The stories will be from a selection she calls, “Twilight Tales,” and will include ghost stories  and other eerie themes, including the special version of “Bluebeard” once told her by her godmother and great aunt, Antonia.”Grande’tante Antonia’sversion is more meaningful and somewhat creepier than the  usual versions you might hear,” says the Orcas storyteller.

“The Bone Woman” is adapted from a literary tale by Canadian author Charles de Lint, and has to do with rescuing lost souls and the hidden memories that may exist in bones. For openers she’ll probably include the ever-popular, “Flying Head,” and “Little Wylie and the Hairy Man.”

“Hairy Man” was first told on Orcas Island by Jackie Torrance in 1988, and  she passed it on to “Storybird” to share with her audiences at a workshop she gave the following day.

Botsford will also tell stories for the August 13 Library Fair at 12 Noon. The tales will be organized so that younger audiences may leave after hearing one or two–the lasttwo being more appropriate for teens and adults.

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