Orcas Socrates Café @ Orcas Senior Center by Zoom: Sunday, April 10, 4-6pm


Orcas Senior Center continues to virtually host the Orcas Socrates Café from 4 to 6pm on the second Sunday of each month. It’s an opportunity to engage in an open discussion on philosophical perspectives. This is not a book club, but rather a conversation, based on the book, Socrates Café: A Fresh Taste of Philosophy by Christopher Phillips.

Each month will offer a new discussion topic, where everyone will be encouraged to exchange philosophical perspectives based on personal experiences. Past topics have included pondering: what is the purpose of wealth and what is enough wealth? And is there a time when common good takes precedence over personal freedom?

We hope you will be compelled to join this friendly community discussion which is sure to encourage insightful dialogue. Register with Steven Ziegler at steven@orcasseniors.org.

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