Saturday, January 26 at 6 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall

From Cindy Carter, Secretary, Eagle Forum

With the primary ballots for the new County Council coming out on Wednesday, January 23rd, many islanders who wish to learn more about these candidates have an opportunity to meet them and hear them discuss the local issues at a candidate forum this Saturday, January 26th.

The candidates will meet at 6:30 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Station to hear local concerns and give their positions on those issues. Candidates Rick Hughes, Greg Ayers, Lisa Byers, Lovel Pratt, Bob Jarman, and Marc Forlenza will be present from both Orcas and San Juan, since everyone in the county will be voting for their representatives from every island. Candidates from San Juan, who are not known locally, will have a chance to inform locals of their points of view on the various issues.

Don’t miss this Saturday meeting at 6!