Ben Thomas’s contract as Orcas Island School District (OISD) business manager was reviewed at the OISD school board March 26 meeting, but as it was not marked for action on the agenda, the board postponed approving the agreement.

Under the annual agreement, it is proposed that Thomas’ contract be renewed “so that the [OISD] may meet its obligations for the efficient and effective financial management” according to state law, administrative code and the policies and procedures of the District.

While the board, absent chair Janet Brownell and vice-chair Scott Lancaster, commended Thomas’ work, member Charlie Glasser questioned Thomas, “Is it [the contract] working? Could it be less?”

The agreement provides for Thomas to work 1.5 days per week for 52 weeks (or 641 hours) at the rate of $80.75 per hour. The estimated annual cost is $51,762. Transportation costs of $3,500 for the year are included in the contract.

Glasser added that he wanted “to push the notion” of decreasing Thomas’ hours to one day per week, “given what we’re facing with the state budget.”

Thomas replied that he felt the district may need his expertise just as much, given the prospect of an even more stringent state education budget, and also with the district’s conversion to new accounting software, which is to be implemented next year.

Board member Keith Whitaker said that it appeared that once the business manager’s contract is signed, “there’s no opportunity to change it unless there’s a mutual agreement.

“My sense is that we’re in a position where even now the district can’t afford for as many things as we’d like to see done.”

Whitaker suggested looking at a local staff person to handle some aspects of the business manager’s duties, and the method of “transitioning” from Thomas’ position as OISD business manager to another arrangement was discussed.

OISD Superintendent Barbara Kline noted that they board would need to change the language in the agreement before they approved it, and that they needed to act by April 15, or else seek a waiver for that deadline.

The board asked Kline to review the matter with the Education Service District Director Jerry Jenkins regarding “transition in the event OISD wishes to ….  [reduce the business manager’s time] … to be allowed to do so with 60-days’ notice.”

It is expected the matter will be on the April 23 regular board meeting agenda.

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