The Orcas Island School Board of Directors will have its final meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 20, with the public portion beginning at 5:30 p.m. in the School Library. The meeting is scheduled to vote in new officers, accept donated funds, act on resolutions concerning levies and budget extensions, hear the annual report for Career and Technical Education Program Director Kari Schuh, delete several district policies, and hear the first reading of new policies.

Newly re-elected Board Directors, Janet Brownell and  James Sullivan will be sworn in and the Board will elect new officers  – Chair, Vice-Chair, Legislative Representative.

The board is expected to accept $33,640 from Bob and Phyllis Henigson for the elementary school Spanish program.
The board will also vote on approval of resolutions:

  • to place the 2011-16 Maintenance and Operations Levy on the February 14, 2012 ballot
  • to certify the  2011-17  Capital Projects Levy
  • to file extensions for the 2011-18 Transportation Vehicle Fund Budget, and for the 2011-19 Capital Projects Budget
  • to review of CTE (Career and Technical Education) Program
  • to accept  a $4,000 anonymous donation via OIEF to be distributed to  for M.Gaylord’s class ($3000) and  AF McGraths/L.Stankevich’s class  ($1,000)

The Board will also delete policies (per WSSDA’s recommendation) regarding:

  • Vacancy (included in another policy);
  • Grade Organization;
  •  Homework;
  •  Compulsory Attendance;
  • Staff Communications (included in another policy);
  •  Endorsement of Educational Materials;
  • Political Relationships w/ Governmental;
  • Improvement Districts and Licensing of;
  • Private Schools and Daycare Facilities;
  • Maternity Leave (included in another policy);Discretionary Leave (included in another policy);
  •  Fiscal Year;
  • Rental of Musical Instruments;
  • Uncollected Non-Tax Beverage;
  •  Food and Beverage Consumption;
  •  Safety (included in another policy);
  •  Educational Specifications;
  • Energy Conservation (included in another policy);
  • Change Orders (included in another policy).

There will be a first reading of the following policies:

  •  Alternative Learning revisions;
  • Students and Telecommunications Devices;
  • NEW Student Incentives
  • Emergency Leave;
  • NEW  Family Leave;
  • NEW Policy # only for 6590 Sexual Harrassment
    ( now another policy).

As always, the public is encouraged to attend the School Board Meetings.