By JoEllen Moldoff

This year we are celebrating National Poetry Month with an informal reading by poets and poetry lovers in our community. You are invited to participate by reading a few of your own poems, and/or favorite poems on Sunday, April 17 at 7:30 p.m.

All are welcome to contribute, including students.  We will invite our friends and neighbors, and offer refreshments following the reading.  Donations to the Center are appreciated.

Ed Wilson and JoEllen Moldoff will coordinate and host the reading. We would like to know who is planning to read and the approximate time for your reading. Five minutes is the limit, and this might be modified depending on how many readers we have.

The reading will be informal, in front of the fireplace in the Madrona Room at the Orcas Center.

Please let us know by March 28th if you plan to participate. Email, or

and indicate how much time your reading will take. There is no selection process, and no rehearsal.

If you have any questions, please contact either JoEllen, or Ed.

Thanks in advance for your support of “Orcas Reads Poetry.””

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