Tuesday, Jan. 24 at 3:30 p..m., Emmanuel Church Parish Hall Re-scheduled from last week

Orcas Island Library invites you to attend the grand kickoff event for Orcas Reads, a community-wide celebration of the works of Thornton Wilder. The kickoff will take place at 3:30 pm on Tuesday, January 24 at the Emmanuel Church Parish Hall.

Come and enjoy cookies and coffee, meet other participants, pick up a schedule of events, and hear a presentation by Margie Doyle on Wilder’s life and writings, including novels, plays, essays, translations and letters.

The first 50 people to sign up are eligible to receive a free copy of the Orcas Reads book,The Bridge of San Luis Rey.

Local reading groups are encouraged to include The Bridge in their 2012 selections. Orcas Library will make available a brochure of discussion questions, and library staff will also be available to facilitate the conversations, if desired.

The Bridge is a fascinating character study and a superb jumping off point for exciting discourse. Contact Holly at the Library (376-4985) for further information.