From San Juan County Public Works Department

The Solid & Hazardous Waste Management Update team is returning to Orcas for a community planning meeting on Thursday Feb. 24, 2011, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. at the Senior Center.

This is an opportunity to speak for local values, present an organized message, and help design the future of waste management for Orcas and San Juan County. The results of this discussion will be presented to decision-makers to clarify issues and local goals about garbage and recycling.

After a short review of the current county systems, participants will be asked to help develop a list of priorities and to work through goals and objectives specific to Orcas’ conditions and values.

Comments and ideas from previous meetings will be reviewed and identified as to how they can work in the plan. Copies of notes from the previous Orcas solid waste meetings are available on the County website at

It is important to note that specific Goals and Objectives must be in the final plan to make changes in our system, such as facility improvements, public-private partnerships, or local control. Also, listing in the plan is required to make programs eligible for funding.

Meeting Tools

Definitions of Goals, Objectives and Strategies

  • Goals are broad and overarching in nature. They guide development of policy objectives.
  • Policy Objectives are more specific. They are used as the basis for recommended strategies or activities. Additionally, when an action is considered, but it has not been listed in the plan, policy objectives will guide decisions.
  • Recommended Strategies are specific action-oriented tasks designed to achieve goals and policy objectives.

Example of goals, policies and strategies collected from previous Orcas Solid Waste meetings

Goal: Reduce waste leaving the Island.

    Policy Objectives:

    • The County will maximize support for programs to improve waste reduction
    • Programs will promote composting


    • Provide multi-family/individual/regional/neighborhood composting opportunities and public education
    • Develop composting activities with trained volunteers

    For more information about this meeting, visit or call 370-0531.