Wednesday, November 16, 3:30 – 5:30 p.m., Orcas Center

– from Orcas Medical Foundation –

Orcas Medical Foundation (OMF) has received a letter of intent from University of Washington Medicine (UW Medicine) expressing interest in “assuming the operation and management of the primary care medical clinic currently known as Orcas Medical Center on or about July 1, 2017,” according to the letter from Debra Gussin, Executive Director of UW Neighborhood Clinics (UWNC).

Catherine Henderson, President of the OMF Board of Directors, said, “We are very enthused about the prospect of UW Medicine providing advanced medical care and long-term continuity for residents and visitors on Orcas Island.”

There will be an Orcas Island public meeting on November 16 from 3:30 to 5:30 at Orcas Center, at which additional information will be provided by representatives of UW Medicine and OMF. Light appetizers and refreshments will be served.

Gussin and Henderson will both be at the November 16 meeting, along with Chris Martin, Director of Airlift Northwest, and Matthew Sobotta, UW Director of Philanthropy. Also, several members of the OMF Board of Directors will be present.

Orcas Medical Center is currently managed by Island Hospital (IH) of Anacortes, under a contract that began in 2011 and is scheduled to end December 31, 2016. According to Henderson, Island Hospital’s Executive Director Vince Oliver and his hospital board have agreed to extend the IH management contract to July 1, 2017 to facilitate a transition of the primary care clinic to UWNC management.

“We are grateful that Island Hospital has agreed to this extension,” said Henderson. “It demonstrates its attention to the needs and interests of the residents of Orcas Island.”

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