Monday, June 11 at 6:30 p.m. at the Orcas Public Library

The Orcas Island sub-group of the League of Women Voters plans a Membership Campaign to take place over three evenings of discussion, snacks and documentary movies.

The events will take place Monday evenings, June 11, 18 and 25  at the Orcas Island Public Library, starting at 6:30 p.m. At 7 p.m. on June 11, the video “Patriocracy” will be shown.

The following Monday, the dvd of the League of Women Voters of the San Juans’ forum, “Civil Discourse” will be the focus of the gathering.

On June 25, those in attendance will see either “Your Taxes” or “Inside Job.” Further meetings and dvds will be suggested.

The LWV is a 92-year old non-partisan, political, grassroots, research organization. It sponsors candidate/issue forums, civics curricula and voter registration drives.

The annual cost to join is $50. The LWV is now open to men and women, and cost per household is $75. Checks may be sent to:
League of Women Voters of the San Juans
PO Box 784
Friday Harbor WA 98250

Orcas Islanders who are interested in joining or who have questions or concerns about the LWV of the San Juans  are encouraged to attend one of the Monday evening meetings at the Public Library.