Orcas Medical Center will receive the necessary donations by the January 15 date to proceed with the agreement with University of Washington Neighborhood Clinics to assume operations at OMC.

Growlers will soon be practicing landings on the numerous oil tankers puffing their way through Puget Sound.

Hillary Clinton will soon make a visit to Orcas Island, following in the footsteps of Al Gore following his defeat on 2000, despite winning the popular vote.

Members of the Orcas Senior Center will mobilize “the silver tsunami” and be a decisive force in moving our medical care situation forward.

Salish Sea Stands and FRIENDS of the San Juans will jointly and successfully play an essential role in blocking the KinderMorgan pipeline.

Orcas Island and the San Juans will be hit with a record-breaking snowstorm before this winter season is over.

The Exchange will finally open and become a model for the rest of the country, prompting eco-tourists from far and wide.

The county-wide Trades Jobs program, under the sponsorship of the County Economic Development Council, will be flooded with applicants.

The Hiyu will return to San Juan County as a floating hotel in Doe Bay, says Margie, while Lin predicts the Hiyu will instead be operated as a private ferry to Waldron, with hundreds of riders every day.

In response to the Supreme Court McCleary mandate, the State Legislature will set up a sub-department to discuss disbursement of funds following their passage of the budget.

The Funhouse remodel will uncover another archeological artifact, the likes of which have never been seen before, prompting hundreds of scientists and geneticists to flock to the island to discover more remnants from a previously-unknown Paleolithic Age.

The Eastsound Visioning Project will reveal a previously-untapped level of creativity and commitment from our Millenials and Gen-Xers.