— by Margie Doyle and Lin McNulty–

Given the way things have been going, this is what we foresee will happen in the next 366 days (it’s a Leap Year!)

  • The ORS/Exchange will open its new building on the Orcas County Transfer Station site this year.
  • With the Library Expansion in full swing, the Friends of the Library Fair will move back to the Village Green — thank you County Parks and Farmers Market.
  • Kevin Ranker will be appointed to Hilary Clinton’s presidential cabinet. Who will take his place as State Senator?
  • The plans for the Orcas Road project will meet with a public outcry and the project will be postponed.
  • SeaDoc, Friends of the San Juans, the Marine Resources Committee, the Center for Whale Research, Long Live the Kings and others will coordinate efforts to replenish salmon supplies so that our Southern Resident Killer Whale Babies born in 2015 will survive to adulthood.
  • Though locals will support new transient rental regulations, the San Juans, and Orcas Island in particular, will prove to be too popular for our infrastructure to handle and it will be a long, hot summer.
  • Mike Greene will take a position with OPALCO/Rock Island administration or boards to serve the arranged marriage of electricity and broadband delivery.
  • The Orcas Center and the Actors Theatre of Orcas Island (ATOI) will cooperate in joint productions.

And we can see around corners too!

Any predictions you can tell us about? Be nice….