— by Carol Kulminski —

With determination and group support, the members of the Orcas Island Weight Watcher’s meetings set a goal of losing 1000 pounds this year and they succeeded! The meetings started with Leader, Carol Kulminski, at the Funhouse Commons on January 12,  2013.

In one year, the staff has grown with Carol as Leader, Terri Gilleland as Receptionist, and Beth Baker as another Leader and Location Coordinator. Many members have reached Lifetime status with Weight Watchers and meetings are free for these members if they stay within 2 pounds of their goal weight and check-in at least once a month.

Although each member, including staff who have traveled their own journey with Weight Watchers, has a story to tell, we all experience a common outcome: behavior changes that lead to sustainable weight loss and a healthy lifestyle.

One of our most successful members expressed the benefits of Weight Watchers saying this, “I’ve been heavier than I’ve wanted to be for over 30 years. I’d given up hope that I’d ever lose the weight but now after just one year I feel like I’ve hit the Reset Button. I no longer have to pull myself up stairs by the hand rail. My knees feel so much better. My energy is up. The edema in my legs has diminished by about 90%.  I have a waist again. I’ve been shopping for a belt! I’ve started caring about how I look again since I’ve gone down several sizes (2x to 14/16) with all the fun of new clothes and a new look.

“And at the same time I’m not so worried about how I look or that people are judging how I look. Since I’ve lost the weight we’re dancing again, I went on the Island Magic bi-plane tour (I would not have been able to fit in the seat beside my husband before). I’m wearing bright colors again. And my medications are way down. My doctor is very impressed.

“I didn’t really want to join Weight Watchers because I thought they would tell me what I can and can’t eat. I discovered it was only about making better choices, but they’re MY choices. Nobody told me what I could or couldn’t eat. That kind of messed with my stubborn streak.”

She channeled her stubbornness into determination and now comes every week to inspire the other members. We are so proud of all of our members that have been with us and we are very excited to see what this year has in store for Orcas Island Weight Watchers!

Weight Watchers meets Saturdays at the Funhouse at 10:30 a.m.