Part 2 of 3

— from Anne Presson for Orcas Island Healthcare District —

In this second of our three-part series on the Orcas Island Healthcare District (OIHCD) – who we are, what we do and how we impact the community – we explain the role of the Commissioners and District Superintendent. In addition to their responsibilities within the District, we’ll explore how they interact with the OIHCD clinical partners.

The OIHCD fulfills a vital role in the island’s healthcare system, and the elected Commissioners are well positioned to understand the types of services necessary to meet the unique needs of our rural, remote community. In addition to ensuring the delivery of island-appropriate patient care, the Commissioners oversee the efficient administration of District operations. Activities include:

  • surveying existing health care facilities and services to begin to understand services being offered as compared to community needs
  • reviewing patient experience and quality reports to ensure targets are met
  • contracting for maintenance and repairs of the clinic building and equipment
  • issuing debt or borrowing money and exercising good financial stewardship of public funds

Washington law requires the Board to appoint a Superintendent to oversee the day-to-day administration and report to the Board on the status of District operations. In the summer of 2018, the Board conducted a thorough recruitment process before appointing Anne Presson as part-time Superintendent for OIHCD last July. Anne, who is also part-time Superintendent for the Lopez Island Hospital District, was well equipped to take on the dual-role. In addition to having a strong understanding of the responsibilities of the position and established relationships with clinic partners, Anne provides a unique opportunity to create efficiencies and share best practices across the two Districts.

The Superintendent is tasked with the daily operations of the District and sees that all administrative and operational activities are timely executed and in compliance with state guidelines and requirements. Some of her regular responsibilities include:

  • monitoring and reporting on the financial condition and needs of the District
  • preparing and presenting the annual budget in a public hearing
  • preparing and posting monthly Board meeting Agendas and supporting materials
  • ensuring the timely and transparent sharing of information on the District website
  • providing overall support to the Board and various Committees

The Commissioners and Superintendent are also engaged with both clinics on a regular basis to review financial results, services and equipment needs, and reports on quality and patient experience. They work with both clinics to address systemic access to care and quality issues, while encouraging individuals to discuss specific experiences directly with the respective Clinic Managers. The Clinic Managers are best equipped to address specific patient concerns. More details can be found on the clinics’ or OIHCD websites.

Please be sure to look for the last article in this series which will talk more about ways to communicate with the OIHCD and our clinic partners.