Wednesday, May 16 at 10 a.m. at Orcas Center

By Sue Lewis

The Garden Club’s featured speaker on Wednesday, May 16 will be Maurice Horn, co-owner of Joy Creek Nursery, a specialty nursery in Scappoose, Ore., featuring a wide variety of ornamental plants including clematis and hydrangeas. He has lectured widely throughout the United States on a variety of garden related topics.

Clematis have experienced a resurgence in popularity worldwide during the last decade. It is important to look back at the legacy of plant explorers and hybridizers to appreciate how their popularity arose.

This backward glance also helps us to understand more fully the reasons behind the various pruning techniques, planting methods and care that are part of the lore of clematis. This is a loving, humorous and, hopefully, inspiring look at a plant whose time has come again.

The Garden Club invites you to this very interesting presentation on May 16 at 10 a.m. in the Madrona Room of Orcas Center. This will be our last regularly scheduled meeting until September. For further information go to