from Hilary Canty, OICF Executive Director

The Orcas Island Community Foundation (OICF) has a great deal to smile about at this year’s Report to Community. Please join OICF October 9th from 4-6 pm at Odd Fellows Hall where we will honor the remarkable team of volunteers who support dental van clinics. The mobile dental unit from Medical Teams International visited seven times over the past year and a half, providing care to over 150 friends and neighbors, many of whom were experiencing pain due to tooth decay and infection. Treatments have spanned from extractions and cleanings to dentures and crowns. The care has totaled over $105,000 in donated services from our own Island dentists, technicians and specialists from the mainland. What a remarkable gift to our community and what a great volunteer effort to celebrate!

This fun event is a great opportunity to learn more about how the Community Foundation is working with a variety of donors, nonprofits, and community leaders to preserve and enhance the quality of life for all on Orcas Island. Tickets for the Report to Community are $15. Light refreshments will be served. Please RSVP by October 4th via email, by emailing info or calling OICF at 376-6423.