From the Orcas Island Community Foundation

An oil spill responder class, more protein provided by the Food Bank, an after school science club, and a community family advocate… these are just a few of the programs receiving funding from the Orcas Island Community Foundation this week. OICF’s Annual Community Grant Awards Celebration will be Thursday, June 3rd, at 3:30 p.m., in the Orcas Center Madrona Room.  The event is open to the public.

This year, OICF received 33 applications from 31 organizations. All proposals were reviewed, vetted and prioritized by the OICF Grant Committee, comprised of both OICF Trustees and community volunteers. 29 projects were approved for funding.

OICF contributed $20,000 from the earnings on the Community Endowment for grant awards this year. Generous community members contributed an additional $61,000 through the Partners in Philanthropy program. This allowed full funding for 12 programs and partial funding for an additional nine. The proposals include funding for operations, supplies, and training that benefit the full spectrum of the island community.

In addition to the grants distributed through OICF’s program, the senior class from Orcas High School will reveal their grantee selection(s) at the celebration. Each year, a Partner designates $5,000 to the senior class to distribute.  Working through their Civics and Economics classes, they develop a process to determine how to select grant recipients. It is a unique opportunity for these young adults to give to the community that has given so much to them, and learn more about the importance of philanthropy.  In years past, the students have supported preschools, the Senior Center, the Food Bank and many other fine programs.

OICF will continue to seek funding for the remaining approved proposals.  There are many important programs still in need.  Those interested in learning more should contact Hilary Canty at the OICF office, 360-6423. OICF is committed to connecting people to the causes they care about.