By Margie Doyle

Ana Ledgerwood, Co-Valedictorian Orcas High School Class of 2013

Ana Ledgerwood, Co-Valedictorian Orcas High School Class of 2013

Orcas High School’s Class of 2013 held Commencement Exercises on Saturday, June 15, marked by a full-on band, led by Martin Lund, the cap and gown processional, complete with scooters, the slide show, the handing out of diplomas, the congratulations and the speeches. And the gym filled to the rafters with the island community and guests.

Superintendent and High School Principal Barbara Kline welcomed all in one of her last duties as High School Principal; that position will be filled next fall by Kyle Freeman. She acknowledged:

  • the students who have achieved a grade point average of 3.25 or higher throughout high school
  • the National Honor Society members
  • the Washington State Scholars
  • the graduates who had been awarded community scholarships
Macklin Blackadar, Co-Valedictorian, Orcas High School Class of 2013

Macklin Blackadar, Co-Valedictorian, Orcas High School Class of 2013

Ms. Kline also honored Co-Valedictorian Macklin Blackadar, who has been appointed to the U.S. Naval Academy.

Teacher Mark Padbury singled out Daniel Briggs for his “Iron Man” achievement of attending school every single day for 12 years.

Senior Class President Aidan McCormick gave a “sarcastic, satiric, ironic” address. His conclusion, “Stay strong, we’re all going to make it” brought the seniors and then the entire audience to its feet in applause.

Salutatorian Juliette Mann, accompanied by fellow 2013 graduates Josh Bronn, Lana Bronn and Annie Ryder, sang her tribute to the class.

Juliette Mann, Salutatorian of the Orcas High School Class of 2013, sings at the Commencement ceremony with Josh Bronn, Lana Bronn and Annie Ryder.

Juliette Mann, Salutatorian of the Orcas High School Class of 2013, sings at the Commencement ceremony with Josh Bronn, Lana Bronn and Annie Ryder.

Co-Valedictorian Ana Ledgerwood spoke of the “many homes we’ve acquired, in many places with many people. Now faced with the ‘What do I do again?” moment that students face at traffic lights, she reminded her fellow students that each of them is “a smarter, stronger, taller kid,” and has the same spunk and tenacity of their childhood.

“Orcas will always be with us,” she concluded.

Co-Valedictorian Macklie Blackadar began his speech with one of his favorite subjects – patriotism, and pondered what right he had to speak of patriotism to the Commencement audience. He spoke of success being more than textbook learning; and of his classmates’ many achievements in athletics. “To the Vikings and Lady Vikings – you guys rock all the socks off!” Blackadar saluted his teachers, particularly Kathy Collister and Val Hellar, and his crew coach, Tina Brown. Returning to the subject of patriotism, Blackadar quoted President John Fitzgerald Kennedy: “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.”

Coleen O’Brien, former Elementary School Counselor and Principal, gave the Commencement Address. She advised the students on several critical points:

  • Don’t do anything stupid – and if and when you do, don’t put a picture of it on Facebook
  • Calculating that the average cost of a college level class is over $37 per hour, show up for class,
  • Seek out scholarships; Many scholarships are never awarded – seek them out and go as far as you can go
  • Do what you fear
  • Explore interests outside your own area, including taking college classes
  • For future reference: Choose your marriage partner thoughtfully. A great marriage will bring greater happiness than a great career
  • Wherever you are and no matter how busy you are, there are people who will need your help. Make it a life’s practice to spend an hour a week helping others.

A traditional retrospective slideshow of the graduates was followed by the awarding of Orcas High School diplomas, with School Board Directors Janet Brownell and Tony Ghazel assisting Superintendent Kline.