Tuesday, May 29, 4 – 6 p.m., Eastsound Fire Station

— from Patty Miller for Orcas Health Care District —

San Juan County Public Hospital District #3 Board of Commissioners will meet in a regular meeting on Tuesday, May 29th, 2018, 4 – 6 p.m. Eastsound Firehall to address the following agenda:

I. Call to Order

II. Public Comment

III. Minutes

a. Approval of minutes May 22, 2018 meeting
b. Update on minutes taker

IV. Discussion Topics

a. Process for determining recipients of PHD funds

b. Identification of topics for future in depth discussions including:

i. OMF building transfer
ii. Contracting process
iii. Long range financing

V. Committee Updates

a. Finance Committee – (Fralick, Miller)

i. Short and long-term financing options

1. Review draft resolution for County loan
2. Review of county loan terms

ii. Update on X-Ray machine

iii. OMF update – building transfer

b. Legal Committee – (Groundwater, Lange)

i. Status on contracting for legal representation
ii. Status on securing insurance

c. Communications Committee – (Lange, Boteler)

d. Staffing Committee – (Boteler, Groundwater)

i. Overview of proposed process
ii. Superintendent search

e. Technology Committee – (Boteler, Miller)

i. Website creation
ii. Email account creation status

VI. Old Business

a. Review and Adoption of Bylaws, Code of Ethics, Conflict of Interest Policy
b. Review of PFFAP grantapplication

VII. Public Comment

VIII. Adjourn