Sat. Jan. 18 at the Grange: Youth Competition at 2; Adult Finalists Selection at 7:30 p.m.

— by Margie Doyle —

“Orcas Has Talent” holds auditions for its annual competition this Saturday at the Grange. The afternoon competition, for Orcas Has Talent “Junior” will decide the winners in that category. The evening competition will determine the finalists for the show on Feb. 8, which is ALWAYS sold out.

All net proceeds from the OHT shows will benefit the valuable high school leadership program Point Blank led by Julie Pinardi. Point Blank is a chapter of the national organization called SADD; Students Against Destructive Decisions whose mission is to provide students with the best prevention tools possible to deal with the issues of underage drinking, other drug use, risky and impaired driving, and other destructive decisions.

Pinardi works tirelessly throughout the school year to engage high school kids in activities to develop their leadership. Through weekly meetings and seasonal presentations, Point Blank brings positive messages and intelligent counter-arguments to marketing that often encourages risk-taking and negative responses to the challenges kids face.

In years past, the high school Point Blank Club has held forums on Peer Pressure and Parental Support; the repercussions of unsupervised parties and underage drinking, and on Distracted Driving. The club also made a video about accidents caused  by distracted driving, working in partnership with Orcas Fire and Rescue EMTs and other community members. Last year, teens in Point Blank took part in a multi-step, nation-wide program called Let’s Draw the Line Between Youth and Alcohol to encourage retailers to take steps to prevent the underage purchase and theft of alcohol.

At Christmas, they hand out red ribbons in a campaign to remind teens and adults to celebrate responsibly during the holiday season. Every Fall, Pinardi takes a group from Point Blank to the Yakima Youth Prevention Summit Conference..

With Donna Laslo and the “Orcas Has Talent” committee, Pinardi works year-round to bring entertainment, Orcas-style of the highest caliber to winter-weary audiences. Pinardi has said, “It’s mind boggling the amount of time invested, the work that needs to get done, the attention to details, and the energy that is required to bring this event to the stage. None of it would happen without our fearless leader Donna Laslo’s guidance and encouragement.”

Orcas’ Point Blank advisor/Readiness to Learn specialist Julie Pinardi can be reached at

The shows this Saturday at the Grange will take place at 2 p.m. for the “Orcas Has Talent Jr.” competition for kids grades 5th-8th and 10-14yrs. of age. Everyone will get a prize but the winner will take home $50 and the chance to compete with the adults in the “Finale Show.” That night, the adults will light up the stage for the Audition Show at 7:30 p.m. where eight finalist will be chosen to go on to compete for the $500 prize in the “Finale Show” at the Orcas Center on February 8 at 6:30 p.m.

Tickets go on sale at Darvill’s Bookstore on January 20. Adults are $25 and Youth are $15 for age 12 and under. This show sells out each year! With this in mind, we are offering a PRE-SALE special. There are a limited amount of “Patron of Talent” tickets where you can make a donation of $50. or more and you will be able to purchase two “pre-sale” tickets AND reserve your favorite seat in the theatre! NO waiting in line!

For info & registration send email to: