By Midge Kraetzer

On November 11, 2009, a week earlier than its regularly scheduled meetings, the Orcas Island Garden Club will feature as its speaker, Rhonda Barbieri.  The meeting will begin with a short business meeting at 10 a.m. at the Orcas Center in the small theater next to the main building.  Look for signs.

Rhonda will talk on ways to attract both bees and butterflies to your garden.  Both bees and butterflies are an integral part of the pollination process in plant reproduction and lately bees have been in short supply.  Therefore, Rhonda will focus on ways that we can encourage both of those insects to populate our gardens.

Rhonda’s business, La Compesina Project, focuses on sustainable ways of farming on Orcas Island.  She is also a knowledgeable beekeeper and a regular at the Orcas Farmer’s Market.

For more information, contact Marlyn Myers at 376-6110.