— from Learner Limbach for Orcas Food Co-op —

We are officially closing Orcas Food Co-op’s doors to the public, effective tomorrow, Monday, March 23rd, and moving to 100% curbside pickup and delivery. A form for placing orders is live on the homepage of our website. You may also e-mail homedelivery@orcasfood.coop or call in orders to 360-376-2009. Soon we will have most of our inventory posted on the website for viewing, but we aren’t quite there yet. Thank you for your patience!

About 80 community members joined us for our spur of the moment virtual Town Hall this evening where we made the announcement and described how the system will work. We answered a ton of questions and will be going back through to see what we missed. We’ll put together all the FAQ’s and publish them soon. Here is a link to the video of the virtual Town Hall.

We made this decision because we believe this is the best way to protect the health of our community and our staff and to enable us to focus all of our energy and resources on serving the needs of our community.

We are blessed to have a healthy staff team who are ready to put our nimbleness to the test with the roll out of a new system of providing food for our community. We know that we are not doing this alone but with the support of many supportive individuals and organizations in our wonderful community who are working just as hard. Thank you all for what you are doing!

With much gratitude. We will get through this together.

Stay safe!