Sunday, March 10, 4:30 – 7 p.m., Odd Fellows Hall

— from Susannah Weaver for Orcas Food Co-op —

Do you want to create a more equitable and sustainable economy in the Islands? Come join us for an engaging conversation about how we can use the cooperative model to create a more equitable and sustainable economy in the Islands and beyond. We will also unveil the Orcas Food Co-op Five-year Strategic Plan.

Kids are welcome and we will have a coloring station set up. Healthy snacks and refreshments will be provided by the Orcas Food Co-op deli. Everyone is welc­ome. Please join us for a Community Conversation and the Orcas Food Co-op Annual Meeting on Sunday, March 10, 4:30-7 p.m. Odd Fellows Hall.

Learner Limbach, Orcas Food Co-op GM, will share what he learned during his recent visit to Denmark and Spain, including an exploration of one of most successful examples of cooperative economy in the world, the worker-owned Mondragon Cooperative in Spain. We will then have a facilitated community conversation to explore the topic and share ideas.

For more info contact: